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Huo learns his lesson and returns to Jingwu.Ĭhen and Mitsuko face hostility from the locals and are forced to take shelter in an abandoned hut near Huo Yuanjia's grave. Jingwu's members eventually discover Huo's relationship with her and reprimand him. Huo feels humiliated by his defeat so he gives up his position as master of Jingwu before leaving to join his lover. Although Chen defeats Huo, he still chooses to leave with Mitsuko. Huo uses the opportunity to settle his personal vendetta against Chen by challenging him to a fight. Huo Ting'en and the senior Jingwu members demand that Chen leaves either Mitsuko or the school. Chen is exonerated, but his apparent relationship with Mitsuko ruins his reputation because the Chinese view it as an act of betrayal against his fellow Chinese.

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Mitsuko shows up and testifies that Chen is innocent because he spent the night with her, and the court accepts her false testimony because she is Japanese. Several bribed witnesses provide false and conflicting accounts of the murder, but the court refuses to accept testimony from any Chinese defense witnesses on the grounds of bias towards Chen.


Chen is arrested and placed on trial for allegedly murdering Akutagawa. Enraged by their master's death, Akutagawa's students attack the Jingwu School, culminating in a fight that is eventually stopped by the local police. After a heated argument, Fujita kills Akutagawa by breaking his back in front of the Japanese ambassador, and then places the blame on Chen. Meanwhile, Akutagawa confronts General Gō Fujita of the Imperial Japanese Army after suspecting that his match against Huo Yuanjia had been rigged, which he considers dishonorable. Huo remains silent and seeks comfort in a brothel, where he becomes romantically involved with a prostitute. The Jingwu members begin to look up to Chen as their new instructor, which incurs the jealousy of Huo Ting'en. Over the next few days, word of Chen's victory against Akutagawa spreads and Chen becomes a local celebrity in Shanghai. It is revealed that Huo Yuanjia was poisoned and weakened before his match against Akutagawa. Chen has Huo Yuanjia's corpse exhumed for an autopsy against the wishes of Huo Ting'en and his fellow Jingwu members.

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Chen defeats Akutagawa easily and concludes that Akutagawa is not capable of defeating Huo Yuanjia, after which he suspects foul play in his master's death. The next day, Chen goes to the Japanese dojo to challenge Akutagawa, who honorably accepts. Chen is distraught after hearing the bad news and he leaves Kyoto for Shanghai immediately.Ĭhen returns to Jingwu School and learns that his master's son, Huo Ting'en, has become the new master of Jingwu School. Funakosji is impressed by Chen's skill and converses with him, and Chen learns that his master, Huo Yuanjia, has died after losing in a match against a Japanese karateka, Akutagawa Ryūichi.

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The Japanese thugs' sensei, Funakoshi Fumio, who is also Mitsuko's uncle, arrives to take control of the situation and apologizes for his students' behavior.

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The thugs turn violent but Chen easily defeats them using a variety of controlled Chin Na techniques. Mitsuko, one of Chen's classmates who is in a romantic relationship with him, along with Chen's professor and classmates, defend his presence. Chen Zhen attends class in Kyoto University when thugs from the Black Dragon Clan burst in and attempt to force him out because he is Chinese.

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